This Third Person Shooter was developed by Epic Games en released by Microsoft Game Studios in 2006. Epic Games is known for the Unreal series, the Unreal Tournament series and above all the commonly used game-engine, the Unreal Engine.
The game takes place on the planet Sera where humanity is being threatened by a race called, the Locust. This race emerged from the ground in all cities attacking and killing humans on the day called Emergence Day. As a result people fled to the Jacinto Plateau, a 100km wide plateau made of granite, where the locust couldn’t break through. Eventually, the Locust broke through the defenses surrounding the plateau. The game itself commences 14 years after Emergence Day.
The main character of Gears of War (GoW) is Marcus Fenix, an ex-soldier who got thrown into prison for leaving the battlefield. As Fenix, you are ordered to obtain and deliver a device called the Resonator, to map the subterranean tunnels that the Locust use. After which a bomb, called the Lightmass bomb, will be launched at the center of the tunnel network. Well so far the story. But before I close this part, one final comment. This game is as linearly as almost every other shooter.
The maps in GoW are very well done, giving you enough opportunities to take cover behind a wall or a refrigerator (don’t ask). At certain points in some maps you have to decide what route to take, either right or left. I found out that there’s almost no difference in the choice you make. And to keep players entertained, they’ve added a part where you drive a vehicle.
Of to the weapons in the game. Immediately at the start of the game, you’re given 2 weapons, a pistol and a assault rifle. Now there’s nothing special about the pistol but the fun starts with the assault rifle. Instead of a knife as bayonet, here you have your own special chainsaw. And with it you get some amusing cinematics where you splice a Locust soldier in half. Ah relaxing. Another great weapon is the Hammer of Dawn, an awesome weapon that uses satellites to rain fire and death upon your enemies. The drawback of the weapon is that it’s only available for a certain amount of time.
One other thing the developers added is a feature called active reloading. Meaning that when you reload a weapon a bar appears showing multiple lines in three colors. When you press the reload button at right moment, it doesn’t only reload your weapon faster but also gives it a damage bonus for a limited amount of time.
The game focuses, next to shooting a lot of Locust, on taking cover. Now on a low difficulty taking cover isn’t a thing you would think about, but one the higher ones however, it becomes clear that you are forced to take cover in order to survive every battle. But to prevent players from staying in one place constantly, enemies in GoW tend to flank their opponent or throw grenades at their position. And to make matters worse, your enemies can pop out behind you if you don’t look out. Locust reinforcements usually comes in the form of emergence holes from where the Locust spawn. Luckily this is easily solved with a well placed grenade.
So to conclude my review, Gears of War is a game that you will definitely like, if you are into shooters of course. The enemies will keep you alert throughout the game and you will have a hard time to stop playing when you haven’t reached the end.
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